Friday, July 15, 2011

22 weeks

Total weight gain: This week I feel like I have gained a pound or two. I guess we'll see in a couple weeks when I go back to the doctor. At least it's all in my belly so far!

Sleep: I'm still sleeping pretty good and getting up only once a night to use the bathroom.

Food/Eating: Still taking tums pretty regularly. At least they seem to work.

What I miss: My clothes! I love to shop and I love to get new clothes. I cannot justify spending a lot of money on clothes that I will only wear for a few weeks. I have done a lot of borrowing from friends and my sister-in-law. I hope these can get me through the next couple months. After christmas I plan on getting some new things. Until then, I will satifsy my shopping urge on all things pink and ruffled for Miss Saylor:)

Looking forward to: Vacation! We are headed to Florida and I can't wait to relax by the beach. Once we get back, I will start planning Saylor's room. I can't wait to see our office turn into our daughter's room. That will make things seem so real!

Best moment of the week: Seeing her heartbeat again! We saw a pediatric cardiologist Tuesday and he looked closer at the heart to make sure everything looked normal. My doctors like to take every precaution possible because I am diabetic and considered 'high risk.' I'm not sure if I mentioned this before or not but high blood sugars can cause all sorts of problems in pregnancy. The main area affected being the heart. In our last ultrasound, they didn't see any area of concern but wanted to get a second opinion to be sure. Everything looked perfect and right on track! They will do another EKG on her heart once she is born and the heart is fully developed. The doctor was so nice and I really liked how he reassured us that everything looked perfect on Miss Saylor. I love any chance I get to see her!!!

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